- gler
- n.стекло
háll sem gler — гладкий как стекло (о льде)
bresta í gleri — разбивать вдребезги
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
háll sem gler — гладкий как стекло (о льде)
bresta í gleri — разбивать вдребезги
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
gler — an·gler; bea·gler; bu·gler; bun·gler; com·min·gler; dan·gler; en·gler; en·gler·o·phoenix; en·tan·gler; fi·na·gler; gar·gler; gig·gler; gog·gler; hag·gler; hig·gler; in·vei·gler; jan·gler; jog·gler; jug·gler; mon·gler; nig·gler; shin·gler;… … English syllables
jug|gler|y — «JUHG luhr ee», noun, plural gler|ies. 1. the skill or tricks of a juggler; sleight of hand. 2. Figurative. trickery; deception; fraud … Useful english dictionary
man´gler — man|gle1 «MANG guhl», transitive verb, gled, gling. 1. to cut or tear (the flesh) roughly: »The two cats bit and clawed until both were much mangled. SYNONYM(S): lacerate, mutilate. 2. Figurative. to spoil; ruin: »The child mangled the music… … Useful english dictionary
wan´gler — wan|gle1 «WANG guhl», verb, gled, gling. Informal. –v.t. 1. to manage to get by schemes, tricks, persuasion, or the like: »to wangle an interview with the president. 2. to change (an account, report, or other datum) dishonestly for one s… … Useful english dictionary
mægler — mæg|ler sb., en, e, ne, i sms. mægler , fx mæglerrolle … Dansk ordbog
an|gler — «ANG gluhr», noun. 1. a person who fishes with a hook and line, especially one who does so for sport. 2. Figurative. a person who tries to get something by using tricks and schemes. 3. Also, angler fish. a kind of saltwater fish of the Atlantic… … Useful english dictionary
bea|gler — «BEE gluhr», noun. a person who hunts with beagles … Useful english dictionary
bog´gler — bog|gle1 «BOG uhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. –v.i. 1. to hold back; raise difficulties or objections; hesitate: »Father boggled at the suggestion at first, but finally agreed to do the job. SYNONYM(S): waver, shrink, demur. 2. to be overwhelmed… … Useful english dictionary
boon´dog´gler — boon|dog|gle «BOON DOG uhl», verb, gled, gling, noun. U.S. Informal. –v.i. to do useless work. –n. a worthless work or product. ╂[American English; origin uncertain] –boon´dog´gler, noun … Useful english dictionary
bu|gler — «BYOO gluhr», noun. 1. a person who blows a bugle. 2. a soldier who gives signals with a bugle … Useful english dictionary
bun|gler — «BUHNG gluhr», noun. a person who bungles … Useful english dictionary